High-level description

This Python script, build.py, is responsible for building and compiling Cython extensions for the Cassiopeia project. It defines three extensions, compiles them using Cython, and copies the built extensions back to the project directory.

Code Structure

The script defines a build() function that handles the entire build process. It creates Extension objects, uses Cython to compile them, and then copies the compiled files to the appropriate locations. The main execution is controlled by the if __name__ == "__main__": block at the end.




This function manages the entire process of building Cython extensions for the Cassiopeia project.

Internal Logic

  1. Define a list of Extension objects for the Cython modules to be compiled.
  2. Use cythonize() to compile the extensions.
  3. Create a Distribution object with the compiled extensions.
  4. Initialize and run a build_ext command to build the extensions.
  5. Copy the built extensions back to the project directory and set appropriate file permissions.

Extension objects


Three Extension objects are defined, each representing a Cython module to be compiled:

  1. "cassiopeia.preprocess.collapse_cython"
  2. "cassiopeia.solver.ilp_solver_utilities"
  3. "cassiopeia.tools.branch_length_estimator._iid_exponential_bayesian"

Each extension specifies its source files and, where necessary, include directories and compile arguments.


osFile and directory operations
shutilHigh-level file operations
distutils.command.build_extProvides build_ext command for building extensions
distutils.coreProvides Distribution and Extension classes
numpyUsed for include directories in one of the extensions
Cython.BuildProvides cythonize function for compiling Cython code

Performance Considerations

The third extension, "cassiopeia.tools.branch_length_estimator._iid_exponential_bayesian", includes C++ source files and uses aggressive optimization flags (-O3), indicating that this module is likely performance-critical.

Error Handling

This script does not implement explicit error handling. It relies on the default error handling provided by the libraries and functions it uses.

Side Effects

The script modifies the file system by creating compiled extension files and copying them to the project directory. It also changes the file permissions of the copied extensions.

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the build.py script, explaining its purpose, structure, and key components. It should help engineers and technical PMs understand how the Cython extensions for the Cassiopeia project are built and integrated.