High-level description

This Python file defines and stores the version number of a software project. It also includes a simple script to print the version when the file is run directly.




A string variable that holds the current version number of the software.




versionstrThe version number of the software

Main Script

The file includes a conditional block that executes when the script is run directly (not imported as a module).


When the script is run as the main program, it prints the version to the console.

Internal Logic

  1. Checks if the script is being run as the main program using the __name__ == '__main__' condition.
  2. If true, it prints the version using the print() function.


This file can be used in two ways:

  1. Imported as a module in other Python scripts to access the version variable.
  2. Run directly as a script to print the current version number.

Performance Considerations

This is a simple script with minimal performance impact. It’s primarily used for version management and doesn’t involve any computationally intensive operations.