High-level description

This file, setup.py, is a minimal Python setup script that serves as a shim for package detection on GitHub. Its primary purpose is to enable GitHub to recognize the package, while the actual build process is managed using Poetry.




This function is called to provide basic package information to setuptools. In this case, it only specifies the package name “cassiopeia”.


namestrThe name of the package, set to “cassiopeia”


This function doesn’t explicitly return a value, but it sets up the package configuration for setuptools.


setuptoolsUsed to provide basic package setup functionality


namestr“cassiopeia”Specifies the name of the package

Additional Notes

  1. The script includes a shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env python) allowing it to be executed directly on Unix-like systems.
  2. The actual build process is not handled by this script but is instead managed by Poetry, as indicated in the comment.
  3. The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the setuptools.setup() function is only called when the script is run directly, not when it’s imported as a module.

This minimal setup script is likely used as a workaround to make the project detectable by GitHub’s package detection mechanisms, while the actual package management and build process are handled separately using Poetry.