High-level description

This file serves as a central hub for importing various mixins, utilities, and custom exceptions used within the Cassiopeia library. It simplifies the process of accessing these components from other parts of the codebase.

Code Structure

This file acts as a simple aggregator of symbols from other modules. It doesn’t define any complex interconnections between symbols.


This file imports symbols from the following files:

  • cassiopeia/mixins/errors.py
  • cassiopeia/mixins/logging.py
  • cassiopeia/mixins/utilities.py
  • cassiopeia/mixins/warnings.py


Symbol Name: * from cassiopeia/mixins/errors.py


Imports all custom exception classes defined in errors.py. These exceptions are likely used for specific error conditions within the Cassiopeia library.

Symbol Name: logger from cassiopeia/mixins/logging.py


Imports the logger object, which is presumably a configured logging instance used for recording events and messages within the Cassiopeia library.

Symbol Name: * from cassiopeia/mixins/utilities.py


Imports all utility functions defined in utilities.py. These functions likely provide helper functionality used across different parts of the Cassiopeia library.

Symbol Name: * from cassiopeia/mixins/warnings.py


Imports all custom warning classes defined in warnings.py. These warnings are likely used to signal potential issues or non-critical errors within the Cassiopeia library.