High-level description

This file provides utility functions for handling sequence alignments, particularly for processing TargetSite sequencing data. It includes functions for performing local and global alignment, parsing CIGAR strings to identify indels, and extracting integration barcodes.

Code Structure

The parse_cigar function utilizes the output of the align_local and align_global functions, specifically the CIGAR string, to identify indels.


Symbol Name



Performs local alignment of a query sequence (seq) to a reference sequence (ref) using the Smith-Waterman algorithm.


refstrThe reference sequence.
seqstrThe query sequence.
substitution_matrixDict[str, Dict[str, int]]Nested dictionary encoding the substitution matrix.
gap_open_penaltyintGap open penalty.
gap_extend_penaltyintGap extend penalty.


cigarstrThe CIGAR string representing the alignment.
query_startintStart position of the alignment in the query sequence.
ref_startintStart position of the alignment in the reference sequence.
scorefloatAlignment score.
seqstrThe input query sequence.

Internal Logic

  1. Initializes a Smith-Waterman aligner using the provided substitution matrix and gap penalties.
  2. Performs local alignment using the align method of the aligner.
  3. Extracts the alignment results, including the aligned sequences, start positions, and alignment score.
  4. Converts the alignment results to a CIGAR string using the ngs.sequence.alignment_to_cigar function.
  5. Returns the CIGAR string, start positions, alignment score, and the input query sequence.

Symbol Name



Performs global alignment of a query sequence (seq) to a reference sequence (ref) using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.


refstrThe reference sequence.
seqstrThe query sequence.
substitution_matrixDict[str, Dict[str, int]]Nested dictionary encoding the substitution matrix.
gap_open_penaltyintGap open penalty.
gap_extend_penaltyintGap extend penalty.


cigarstrThe CIGAR string representing the alignment.
query_startintStart position of the alignment in the query sequence.
ref_startintStart position of the alignment in the reference sequence.
scorefloatAlignment score.
seqstrThe input query sequence.

Internal Logic

  1. Initializes a Needleman-Wunsch aligner using the provided substitution matrix and gap penalties.
    • Note: The no_end_gap_penalty parameter is set to True because reads are expected to be shorter than the reference.
  2. Performs global alignment using the align method of the aligner.
  3. Extracts the alignment results, including the aligned sequences, start positions, and alignment score.
  4. Converts the alignment results to a CIGAR string using the ngs.sequence.alignment_to_cigar function.
  5. Returns the CIGAR string, start positions, alignment score, and the input query sequence.

Symbol Name



Parses a CIGAR string to identify insertions and deletions (indels) relative to a reference sequence, focusing on regions around specified cutsites and a barcode interval.


cigarstrThe CIGAR string to parse.
seqstrThe query sequence.
refstrThe reference sequence.
ref_startintStart position of the alignment in the reference sequence.
query_startintStart position of the alignment in the query sequence.
barcode_intervalTuple[int, int]Interval in the reference sequence containing the integration barcode.
cutsitesList[int]List of cutsite locations in the reference sequence.
cutsite_windowintNumber of nucleotides to the left and right of each cutsite to consider for indels. Defaults to 0.
contextboolWhether to include nucleotide context around indels. Defaults to True.
context_sizeintNumber of bases to include as context on each side of an indel. Defaults to 5.


intBCstrThe extracted integration barcode.
indelsList[str]A list of strings, one per cutsite, describing the observed indels.

Internal Logic

  1. Initialization:

    • Creates lists to store indels (indels) and indels occurring outside cutsite windows (uncut_indels) for each cutsite.
    • Initializes the integration barcode (intBC) to “NC” (not captured).
    • Extracts the anchor sequence from the reference for later intBC extraction.
    • Sets up pointers to track the current position in the reference (ref_pointer) and query (query_pointer) sequences.
    • Initializes a variable query_pad to account for potential insertions or deletions at the beginning of the intBC.
  2. CIGAR Parsing:

    • Iterates through each chunk (operation and length) in the CIGAR string.
    • Match (M):
      • Updates ref_pointer and query_pointer.
      • If the match overlaps with the barcode_interval, extracts the intBC.
      • If the match overlaps with any cutsite window and no indel has been recorded for that cutsite, records “None” (no indel) with optional context.
      • Handles partial deletions within the barcode_interval.
    • Insertion (I):
      • Increments query_pointer.
      • If the insertion occurs within any cutsite window, records the insertion with its position and length, along with optional context.
    • Deletion (D):
      • Increments ref_pointer.
      • If the deletion occurs within any cutsite window, records the deletion with its position and length, along with optional context.
    • Hard Clip (H):
      • Increments query_pointer.
    • Unknown Operation:
      • Raises an UnknownCigarStringError.
  3. Integration Barcode (intBC) Handling:

    • If intBC is still “NC” or its length is less than expected, attempts to extract it based on the anchor sequence.
  4. Indel Finalization:

    • Replaces empty indel strings in indels with corresponding entries from uncut_indels.
  5. Return:

    • Returns the extracted intBC and the list of indels.


  • This code references the ngs_tools library for sequence manipulation and alignment functions.
  • It also references the pyseq_align library for the Smith-Waterman and Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithms.
  • The code utilizes the UnknownCigarStringError from the cassiopeia.mixins module.

Error Handling

  • The parse_cigar function raises an UnknownCigarStringError if it encounters an unsupported CIGAR operation.