High-level description

This file contains unit tests for the compute_morans_i function, which calculates Moran’s I statistic for spatial autocorrelation in a phylogenetic tree. The tests cover various scenarios, including single and multiple variables, custom weight matrices, and error handling.


This file references the following symbols:

  • cassiopeia.tl.compute_morans_i: The function being tested, which calculates Moran’s I statistic.
  • cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTree: A class representing a phylogenetic tree.
  • cassiopeia.mixins.AutocorrelationError: An exception class for errors related to autocorrelation calculations.




This class contains unit tests for the compute_morans_i function. It sets up a basic tree structure and example data for testing.


This class does not take any inputs.


This class does not return any outputs. It uses the unittest framework to run assertions and report test results.

Internal Logic

The class defines several test methods, each testing a specific aspect of the compute_morans_i function:

  • test_simple_moran_single_variable: Tests the function with a single variable and compares the result to a known value.
  • test_moran_bivariate: Tests the function with multiple variables and compares the resulting correlation matrix to expected values.
  • test_moran_custom_weights: Tests the function with a user-provided weight matrix.
  • test_moran_exceptions: Tests various error conditions, such as invalid input data types and mismatched tree leaves.



This method sets up the test environment by creating a basic tree structure and example data.


This method does not take any inputs.


This method does not explicitly return any outputs. It sets the self.basic_tree and self.X attributes, which are used by the test methods.

Error Handling

The test_moran_exceptions method specifically tests for various error conditions that can occur in the compute_morans_i function, such as:

  • Passing non-numerical data in the X argument.
  • Providing a weight matrix (W) that does not have the same leaves as the tree.
  • Not providing any data for calculating autocorrelations.
  • Providing a weight matrix with incorrect leaves.

These error conditions are handled by raising AutocorrelationError exceptions with informative messages.