High-level description

This file contains unit tests for the coupling estimators implemented in cassiopeia/tools/coupling.py, specifically focusing on the compute_evolutionary_coupling function. These tests ensure the correctness of the evolutionary coupling calculations under various scenarios, including different input parameters and data configurations.

Code Structure

The code consists of a single test class, TestDataUtilities, which houses multiple test methods. Each test method focuses on a specific aspect of the compute_evolutionary_coupling function, such as its basic functionality, handling of custom dissimilarity maps, minimum proportion thresholds, and potential error cases.




This class contains unit tests for data utility functions, specifically focusing on the compute_evolutionary_coupling function.


  • None


  • None

Internal Logic

This class utilizes the unittest framework to define and execute test methods. Each test method sets up a specific scenario using a predefined tree structure and cell metadata, then calls the compute_evolutionary_coupling function with specific parameters. The expected output is then compared to the actual output to verify the correctness of the function.

  • Description: Tests the basic functionality of the compute_evolutionary_coupling function with default parameters.
  • Inputs: None
  • Outputs: None
  • Internal Logic:
    1. Sets up a CassiopeiaTree with predefined tree topology and cell metadata.
    2. Calls compute_evolutionary_coupling with the tree, “CellType” as the meta variable, a fixed random state, minimum proportion of 0, and 10 shuffles.
    3. Computes the expected inter-cluster distances and evolutionary coupling matrix based on the predefined data and parameters.
    4. Asserts that the calculated evolutionary coupling matrix matches the expected matrix.
    5. Asserts that a CassiopeiaError is raised when attempting to compute evolutionary coupling with a numerical meta variable (“nUMI”).
  • Description: Tests the functionality of compute_evolutionary_coupling with a custom dissimilarity map.
  • Inputs: None
  • Outputs: None
  • Internal Logic:
    1. Sets up a CassiopeiaTree and a custom weight matrix representing the dissimilarity map.
    2. Calls compute_evolutionary_coupling with the tree, “CellType” as the meta variable, a fixed random state, minimum proportion of 0, 10 shuffles, and the custom dissimilarity map.
    3. Computes the expected inter-cluster distances and evolutionary coupling matrix based on the predefined data, parameters, and custom dissimilarity map.
    4. Asserts that the calculated evolutionary coupling matrix matches the expected matrix.
  • Description: Tests the functionality of compute_evolutionary_coupling with a minimum proportion threshold for categories.
  • Inputs: None
  • Outputs: None
  • Internal Logic:
    1. Sets up a CassiopeiaTree and modifies the cell metadata to include a category (“TypeD”) that falls below the minimum proportion threshold.
    2. Calls compute_evolutionary_coupling with the tree, “CellType” as the meta variable, a fixed random state, a minimum proportion of 1/6 (which excludes “TypeC” and “TypeD”), and 10 shuffles.
    3. Asserts that the resulting evolutionary coupling matrix does not include the excluded categories (“TypeC” and “TypeD”).
    4. Computes the expected inter-cluster distances and evolutionary coupling matrix based on the remaining categories and asserts that the calculated matrix matches the expected matrix.