High-level description

The SharedMutationJoiningSolver class implements an agglomerative clustering algorithm for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. It iteratively joins samples with the highest similarity based on shared mutations in their character data, building the tree bottom-up. This solver is particularly suitable for lineage tracing data with a large number of characters and limited mutation rates.

Code Structure

The SharedMutationJoiningSolver class is structured around the solve method, which orchestrates the tree reconstruction process. It utilizes helper functions like find_cherry to identify the most similar samples and update_similarity_map_and_character_matrix to merge nodes and update the similarity matrix. The class also leverages Numba for performance optimization.


This solver references the following key components:

  • dissimilarity_functions: Provides various similarity/dissimilarity functions for comparing character vectors.
  • solver_utilities: Offers utility functions for tree manipulation and prior transformation.
  • data_utilities: Includes functions for computing dissimilarity maps and handling character data.




This class implements the Shared-Mutation-Joining algorithm for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. It takes a similarity function and a prior transformation method as inputs and constructs a tree by iteratively joining the most similar samples based on shared mutations.


similarity_functionOptional[Callable[[np.array, np.array, int, Optional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]]], float]]Function to compute similarity between samples. Defaults to Hamming similarity without considering missing data.
prior_transformationstrMethod for transforming priors into weights. Defaults to “negative_log”.


This class doesn’t directly return any output. It modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object to store the reconstructed tree.

Internal Logic

  1. Initializes the solver with the provided similarity function and prior transformation method.
  2. Attempts to optimize the similarity function and internal methods using Numba for performance improvement.
  3. In the solve method:
    • Retrieves the character matrix and priors (if available) from the input CassiopeiaTree.
    • Computes the initial pairwise similarity matrix.
    • Iteratively identifies the most similar pair (cherry) using find_cherry.
    • Merges the cherry into a new internal node and updates the similarity matrix using update_similarity_map_and_character_matrix.
    • Repeats the process until all samples are joined into a single tree.
    • Populates the CassiopeiaTree with the reconstructed tree.
    • Optionally collapses mutationless edges based on inferred ancestral states.

Performance Considerations

  • Utilizes Numba to optimize the similarity function and key internal methods for improved performance.
  • Computes the dissimilarity map only once and updates it iteratively, reducing redundant calculations.



Identifies the pair of samples (cherry) with the highest similarity in the given similarity matrix.


similarity_matrixnp.arrayA square matrix representing pairwise similarities between samples.


cherryTuple[int, int]A tuple containing the row and column indices of the most similar pair in the similarity matrix.

Internal Logic

  1. Sets the diagonal elements of the similarity matrix to negative infinity to avoid self-comparison.
  2. Finds the indices of the maximum element in the matrix, which represents the most similar pair.



Updates the similarity matrix and character matrix after merging a cherry into a new internal node.


character_matrixpd.DataFrameThe character matrix storing mutation information for all nodes.
similarity_functionCallable[[np.array, np.array, int, Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]], float]The function used to compute pairwise similarity.
similarity_mappd.DataFrameThe current similarity matrix to be updated.
cherryTuple[str, str]A tuple containing the names of the two samples being merged.
new_nodestrThe name of the new internal node created by merging the cherry.
missing_state_indicatorintThe character representing missing data in the character matrix. Defaults to -1.
weightsOptional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]]Weights for each character/state pair, derived from priors. Defaults to None.


updated_similarity_mappd.DataFrameThe updated similarity matrix with the new internal node included.

Internal Logic

  1. Identifies the character vectors of the two samples in the cherry.
  2. Computes the character vector of the new internal node (LCA) by taking shared mutations.
  3. Adds the new node and its character vector to the character matrix.
  4. Calculates the pairwise similarities between the new node and all other nodes using the provided similarity function and weights.
  5. Updates the similarity matrix with the new similarities and removes the merged cherry nodes.

Performance Considerations

  • Employs Numba to optimize the internal __update_similarity_map function for faster similarity updates.


numbaUsed for optimizing code performance.
numpyUsed for numerical operations and array manipulation.
pandasUsed for handling data in DataFrames.
scipyUsed for scientific computing, including distance calculations.
networkxUsed for creating and manipulating graph structures representing trees.

Error Handling

  • Raises SharedMutationJoiningSolverError for specific issues encountered during tree reconstruction, such as invalid input parameters or inconsistencies in data.
  • Issues a SharedMutationJoiningSolverWarning if Numba optimization fails, falling back to Python implementation.