High-level description

The UPGMASolver class implements the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) algorithm, a hierarchical clustering method used for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. It iteratively joins the most similar samples (or clusters) based on a dissimilarity matrix, updating the matrix after each join until a single cluster remains.

Code Structure

The UPGMASolver class inherits from the DistanceSolver class and overrides methods for finding cherries (find_cherry), updating the dissimilarity map (update_dissimilarity_map), and rooting the tree (root_tree). It also uses a helper function __update_dissimilarity_map_numba for optimized dissimilarity map updates.


  • DistanceSolver: The parent class providing the general framework for distance-based solvers.
  • dissimilarity_functions: A module containing various dissimilarity functions, including weighted_hamming_distance used by default.




This class implements the UPGMA algorithm for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. It uses a dissimilarity matrix to iteratively join the most similar samples or clusters, updating the matrix after each join.


dissimilarity_functionOptional[Callable[[np.array, np.array, int, Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]], float]]A function to compute the dissimilarity between samples. Defaults to weighted_hamming_distance.
prior_transformationstrFunction to transform priors into weights. Defaults to “negative_log”.
fastboolWhether to use a fast implementation of UPGMA. Defaults to False.
implementationstrWhich fast implementation to use. Defaults to “ccphylo_upgma”.
threadsintNumber of threads to use for dissimilarity map computation. Defaults to 1.


The UPGMASolver object itself, which can be used to solve a CassiopeiaTree object.

Internal Logic

The solve method performs the following steps:

  1. Initializes a dissimilarity map and a tree with all samples as leaves.
  2. Iteratively finds the most similar pair of samples or clusters (cherry) using find_cherry.
  3. Joins the cherry into a new node in the tree.
  4. Updates the dissimilarity map using update_dissimilarity_map.
  5. Repeats steps 2-4 until only two clusters remain.
  6. Roots the tree using root_tree.
  7. Populates the input CassiopeiaTree with the resulting tree.



Roots the tree produced by UPGMA by adding a root node as the parent of the last two unjoined nodes.


treenx.GraphThe unrooted tree topology.
root_samplestrIgnored, as the root is implicitly defined.
remaining_samplesList[str]The last two unjoined nodes in the tree.


rooted_treenx.DiGraphThe rooted tree.

Internal Logic

  1. Adds a “root” node to the tree.
  2. Connects the “root” node to the two remaining samples.
  3. Converts the undirected graph to a directed graph rooted at the “root” node.



Finds the pair of samples or clusters with the minimum dissimilarity in the dissimilarity matrix.


dissimilarity_matrixnp.arrayThe dissimilarity matrix.


(i, j)Tuple[int, int]A tuple of indices in the dissimilarity matrix representing the cherry.

Internal Logic

  1. Sets the diagonal of the dissimilarity matrix to infinity to avoid self-comparisons.
  2. Finds the indices of the minimum value in the matrix.



Updates the dissimilarity map after joining two nodes into a cherry. The new dissimilarity between the cherry and other nodes is calculated as a weighted average of the dissimilarities between the cherry’s children and the other nodes.


dissimilarity_mappd.DataFrameThe dissimilarity map to update.
cherryTuple[str, str]A tuple of node names representing the cherry.
new_nodestrThe name of the new node representing the cherry.


dissimilarity_mappd.DataFrameThe updated dissimilarity map.

Internal Logic

  1. Calculates the size of each child cluster in the cherry.
  2. Updates the cluster size dictionary with the new node’s size.
  3. Finds the indices of the cherry nodes in the dissimilarity map.
  4. Calls the optimized __update_dissimilarity_map_numba function to update the dissimilarity map.
  5. Creates a new DataFrame with the updated dissimilarity map and new node.
  6. Removes the cherry nodes from the dissimilarity map.



A private, optimized function for updating the dissimilarity map using Numba for performance improvement.


dissimilarity_mapnp.arrayThe dissimilarity matrix to update.
cherry_iintIndex of the first cherry node in the matrix.
cherry_jintIndex of the second cherry node in the matrix.
size_iintSize of the first cherry cluster.
size_jintSize of the second cherry cluster.


updated_mapnp.arrayThe updated dissimilarity matrix.

Internal Logic

  1. Adds a new row and column for the new node.
  2. Calculates the new dissimilarities between the new node and all other nodes using a weighted average.
  3. Sets the self-dissimilarity of the new node to 0.



Defines the implicit rooting strategy for UPGMA. Since UPGMA produces a rooted tree, this method simply sets the root sample name to “root”.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe input CassiopeiaTree object.


None. The method modifies the root_sample_name attribute of the input CassiopeiaTree object.

Side Effects

The solve method modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object by populating its tree attribute with the reconstructed tree.


  • numba: Used for optimizing the __update_dissimilarity_map_numba function.
  • networkx: Used for representing and manipulating the tree topology.
  • pandas: Used for representing the dissimilarity matrix.
  • numpy: Used for numerical operations.

Error Handling

The UPGMASolver class raises DistanceSolverError if an invalid fast implementation is specified or if rooting parameters are incorrect.