High-level description

The VanillaGreedySolver class in VanillaGreedySolver.py implements a top-down greedy algorithm for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. It recursively splits a set of samples into mutually exclusive groups based on the presence or absence of the most frequently occurring mutation, optimizing for parsimony. The solver handles missing data using various imputation methods and allows for weighting character-state pairs based on provided priors.

Code Structure

The VanillaGreedySolver class inherits from the GreedySolver class. It primarily implements the perform_split method, which determines the optimal split based on mutation frequencies. The solve method, inherited from GreedySolver, orchestrates the tree building process by recursively calling perform_split. The compute_mutation_frequencies method calculates the frequencies of each character-state pair, considering ambiguous states. The __add_duplicates_to_tree method, also inherited, handles the reinsertion of duplicate samples into the tree after the main solving process.


  • GreedySolver: The parent class defining the general structure of greedy solvers.
  • missing_data_methods: A module containing various missing data imputation methods.
  • solver_utilities: A module providing utility functions for tree solvers.




This class implements the vanilla Cassiopeia-Greedy algorithm for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. It identifies the most frequent mutation and splits the sample set based on the presence or absence of that mutation.


missing_data_classifierCallableA function to handle missing data during character splits. Defaults to missing_data_methods.assign_missing_average.
prior_transformationstrThe method for transforming priors into weights. Defaults to “negative_log”.



Internal Logic

The perform_split method calculates mutation frequencies and identifies the most frequent mutation. It then partitions the samples based on the presence or absence of this mutation, using the specified missing_data_classifier to handle missing data.



This method partitions a set of samples based on the most frequent (character, state) pair in the character matrix.


character_matrixpd.DataFrameThe character matrix representing the mutation profiles of the samples.
samplesList[int]A list of sample indices to be partitioned.
weightsOptional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]]A dictionary of weights for each (character, state) pair, derived from priors.
missing_state_indicatorintThe character representing missing data in the character matrix. Defaults to -1.


left_setList[str]The list of samples belonging to the left partition (possessing the most frequent mutation).
right_setList[str]The list of samples belonging to the right partition (not possessing the most frequent mutation).

Internal Logic

  1. Calculate mutation frequencies using compute_mutation_frequencies.
  2. Identify the (character, state) pair with the highest frequency, considering weights if provided.
  3. Partition the samples into left_set and right_set based on the presence or absence of the chosen mutation.
  4. Use the missing_data_classifier to assign samples with missing data at the chosen character to either partition.

Error Handling

The code raises a GreedySolverError if the input character matrix contains ambiguous states and the solver is not configured to handle them (self.allow_ambiguous is False).


  • pandas
  • networkx
  • ete3
  • numpy


None specified in the code.