High-level description

The SpectralGreedySolver class, inheriting from GreedySolver, implements a phylogenetic tree solver that combines a greedy splitting strategy with a spectral heuristic for optimizing partitions. It aims to construct a more accurate tree by refining the initial greedy splits using spectral methods to maximize the similarity within partitions based on a mutation similarity graph.

Code Structure

The SpectralGreedySolver class inherits from GreedySolver and overrides the perform_split method. It utilizes functions from graph_utilities for graph construction and optimization. The key logic lies in how it first performs a greedy split based on mutation frequencies and then refines this split using spectral methods on a similarity graph.


This code references the following symbols from other files:

  • GreedySolver (from cassiopeia.solver.GreedySolver)
  • missing_data_methods (from cassiopeia.solver.missing_data_methods)
  • dissimilarity_functions (from cassiopeia.solver.dissimilarity_functions)
  • graph_utilities (from cassiopeia.solver.graph_utilities)
  • solver_utilities (from cassiopeia.solver.solver_utilities)




This class implements a phylogenetic tree solver that combines a greedy splitting strategy with a spectral heuristic for optimizing partitions.


missing_data_classifierCallableA function to handle missing data during partition. Defaults to assign_missing_average.
similarity_functionOptional[Callable]A function to calculate similarity between samples. Defaults to hamming_similarity_without_missing.
thresholdOptional[int]Minimum similarity threshold for edge inclusion in the similarity graph. Defaults to 0.
prior_transformationstrTransformation method for converting priors to weights. Defaults to “negative_log”.


The class itself doesn’t have direct outputs. It’s meant to be used to solve a CassiopeiaTree object.

Internal Logic

The solver first identifies the most frequent mutation to perform an initial greedy split. Then, it constructs a similarity graph based on the provided similarity_function and refines the partition using the spectral_improve_cut function from graph_utilities. This iterative optimization aims to minimize a modified normalized cut, effectively grouping samples with similar mutations.



This method overrides the parent class’s method and performs a partition of samples using both greedy and spectral criteria.


character_matrixpd.DataFrameCharacter matrix representing the mutation profiles of samples.
samplesList[int]List of samples to be partitioned.
weightsOptional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]]Weights for each (character, state) pair, often derived from priors.
missing_state_indicatorintCharacter representing missing data in the character matrix. Defaults to -1.


improved_left_setList[str]List of samples in the left partition after spectral improvement.
improved_right_setList[str]List of samples in the right partition after spectral improvement.

Internal Logic

  1. Identify Splitting Point: The method first identifies the most frequent (character, state) pair based on the input character_matrix and weights. This pair will be used to perform the initial split.
  2. Initial Split: Samples are divided into left_set and right_set based on the presence or absence of the chosen character state. Samples with missing data for this character are placed in the missing list.
  3. Handle Missing Data: The missing_data_classifier function is applied to impute the missing data and assign the missing samples to either left_set or right_set.
  4. Construct Similarity Graph: A similarity graph is constructed using the construct_similarity_graph function from graph_utilities. This graph represents the similarity between samples based on their mutation profiles.
  5. Spectral Improvement: The spectral_improve_cut function from graph_utilities is applied to optimize the initial split by minimizing a modified normalized cut on the similarity graph. This step refines the partition by moving samples between left_set and right_set to maximize the similarity within each partition.
  6. Return Improved Partitions: The method returns the optimized improved_left_set and improved_right_set lists.