High-level description

This file serves as the top level for the tools module in the Cassiopeia library. It imports and exposes various functions and classes related to tree analysis, parameter estimation, and phylogenetic reconstruction. This module provides tools for tasks such as computing tree metrics, estimating mutation rates, and performing small parsimony analysis.


This file imports and re-exposes symbols from other modules within the cassiopeia.tools package. These modules are:

  • cassiopeia.tools.autocorrelation
  • cassiopeia.tools.branch_length_estimator
  • cassiopeia.tools.coupling
  • cassiopeia.tools.fitness_estimator
  • cassiopeia.tools.parameter_estimators
  • cassiopeia.tools.small_parsimony
  • cassiopeia.tools.topology
  • cassiopeia.tools.tree_metrics


This file does not define any new symbols, but it re-exports several symbols imported from other modules. The re-exported symbols are listed in the __all__ list. For detailed documentation of each symbol, please refer to the respective module where it is defined.