High-level description

This file provides tools for analyzing phylogenies using small-parsimony. It includes functions for Fitch-Hartigan reconstruction, parsimony scoring, and the FitchCount algorithm. These tools are used to infer ancestral states and quantify transitions between states in a phylogenetic tree.

Code Structure

The code consists of several functions that work together to perform small-parsimony analysis on a CassiopeiaTree object. The main functions are fitch_hartigan, score_small_parsimony, and fitch_count. fitch_hartigan is further divided into fitch_hartigan_bottom_up and fitch_hartigan_top_down for the two phases of the algorithm. fitch_count uses two helper functions, _N_fitch_count and _C_fitch_count, to implement the dynamic programming algorithm.


This code references the CassiopeiaTree class from cassiopeia.data and several exception classes from cassiopeia.mixins.errors.




Runs the full Fitch-Hartigan small parsimony algorithm to infer the most-parsimonious set of ancestral states for a given categorical variable in a CassiopeiaTree. It first performs the bottom-up phase to determine the optimal set of states for each node, and then the top-down phase to select a random solution that satisfies the maximum-parsimony criterion.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object containing cell meta data.
meta_itemstrThe name of the column in the cell meta data representing the categorical variable.
rootOptional[str]The root node from which to start the refinement. If None, the tree’s root is used.
state_keystrThe attribute key to store the ancestral states from the bottom-up phase. Defaults to “S1”.
label_keystrThe attribute key to store the maximum-parsimony assignment from the top-down phase. Defaults to “label”.
copyboolWhether to modify the tree in place or return a copy. Defaults to False.


cassiopeia_treeOptional[CassiopeiaTree]The modified tree object with inferred ancestral states, or a copy if copy=True. Returns None if copy=False.

Internal Logic

  1. Copies the tree if copy=True.
  2. Runs fitch_hartigan_bottom_up to perform the bottom-up phase of the algorithm.
  3. Runs fitch_hartigan_top_down to perform the top-down phase of the algorithm.
  4. Returns the modified tree or a copy.



Performs the bottom-up phase of the Fitch-Hartigan algorithm. It traverses the tree in post-order and infers the optimal set of ancestral states for each node based on the states of its children.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object containing cell meta data.
meta_itemstrThe name of the column in the cell meta data representing the categorical variable.
add_keystrThe attribute key to store the inferred ancestral states. Defaults to “S1”.
copyboolWhether to modify the tree in place or return a copy. Defaults to False.


cassiopeia_treeOptional[CassiopeiaTree]The modified tree object with inferred ancestral states, or a copy if copy=True. Returns None if copy=False.

Internal Logic

  1. Copies the tree if copy=True.
  2. For each node in the tree, traversed in post-order:
    • If the node is a leaf, its state is taken from the cell meta data.
    • If the node is internal, the intersection of the states of its children is taken as the optimal set of states. If the intersection is empty, the union of the states is taken.
  3. Returns the modified tree or a copy.



Performs the top-down phase of the Fitch-Hartigan algorithm. It traverses the tree from the root and selects a random solution from the optimal set of states for each node, ensuring consistency with the state assigned to its parent.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object with ancestral states inferred from the bottom-up phase.
rootOptional[str]The root node from which to start the refinement. If None, the tree’s root is used.
state_keystrThe attribute key storing the ancestral states from the bottom-up phase. Defaults to “S1”.
label_keystrThe attribute key to store the maximum-parsimony assignment. Defaults to “label”.
copyboolWhether to modify the tree in place or return a copy. Defaults to False.


cassiopeia_treeOptional[CassiopeiaTree]The modified tree object with a maximum-parsimony assignment, or a copy if copy=True. Returns None if copy=False.

Internal Logic

  1. Copies the tree if copy=True.
  2. For each node in the tree, traversed from the root:
    • If the node is the root, a random state is chosen from its optimal set of states.
    • If the node is not the root, the state assigned to its parent is checked. If the parent’s state is in the node’s optimal set of states, it is assigned to the node. Otherwise, a random state is chosen from the node’s optimal set.
  3. Returns the modified tree or a copy.



Computes the small-parsimony score of a tree, which is the number of state changes along the edges of the tree.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object containing cell meta data.
meta_itemstrThe name of the column in the cell meta data representing the categorical variable.
rootOptional[str]The root node from which to start the score calculation. If None, the tree’s root is used.
infer_ancestral_statesboolWhether to infer ancestral states using fitch_hartigan before scoring. Defaults to True.
label_keyOptional[str]The attribute key storing the inferred ancestral states if infer_ancestral_states=False. Defaults to “label”.


parsimonyintThe parsimony score of the tree.

Internal Logic

  1. Copies the tree.
  2. If infer_ancestral_states=True, runs fitch_hartigan to infer ancestral states.
  3. Traverses the edges of the tree and increments the parsimony score for each edge where the parent and child nodes have different states.
  4. Returns the parsimony score.



Implements the FitchCount algorithm to infer the number of transitions between states across all equally-parsimonious solutions returned by the Fitch-Hartigan algorithm.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object containing cell meta data.
meta_itemstrThe name of the column in the cell meta data representing the categorical variable.
rootOptional[str]The root node from which to start the count. If None, the tree’s root is used.
infer_ancestral_statesboolWhether to infer ancestral states using fitch_hartigan_bottom_up before counting. Defaults to True.
state_keystrThe attribute key storing the inferred ancestral states if infer_ancestral_states=False. Defaults to “S1”.
unique_statesOptional[List[str]]The state space for the categorical variable. If None, the unique values in the cell meta data are used.


Mpd.DataFrameAn MxM count matrix, where M is the number of unique states. The value at (i, j) indicates the number of times state i transitioned to state j across all equally-parsimonious solutions.

Internal Logic

  1. Copies the tree.
  2. Determines the state space based on unique_states or the unique values in the cell meta data.
  3. If infer_ancestral_states=True, runs fitch_hartigan_bottom_up to infer ancestral states.
  4. Creates mappings from nodes and states to unique integers.
  5. Calls _N_fitch_count to compute the dynamic programming table N, which stores the number of solutions below a node given its state.
  6. Calls _C_fitch_count to compute the dynamic programming table C, which stores the number of transitions between states below a node given its state.
  7. Constructs the count matrix M from the values in C.
  8. Returns the count matrix M.



Helper function for fitch_count that computes the dynamic programming table N.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object.
unique_statesList[str]The state space for the categorical variable.
node_to_iDict[str, int]A mapping from nodes to unique integers.
label_to_jDict[str, int]A mapping from states to unique integers.
state_keystrThe attribute key storing the inferred ancestral states. Defaults to “S1”.


Nnp.array(int)A 2-dimensional array storing N[v, s], the number of equally-parsimonious solutions below node v given v takes on state s.

Internal Logic

  1. Defines a helper function _fill to compute a single entry in N.
  2. Initializes N with zeros.
  3. For each node in the tree, and for each state in its optimal set of states, calls _fill to compute the corresponding entry in N.
  4. Returns N.



Helper function for fitch_count that computes the dynamic programming table C.


cassiopeia_treeCassiopeiaTreeThe tree object.
Nnp.arrayThe N array computed by _N_fitch_count.
unique_statesList[str]The state space for the categorical variable.
node_to_iDict[str, int]A mapping from nodes to unique integers.
label_to_jDict[str, int]A mapping from states to unique integers.
state_keystrThe attribute key storing the inferred ancestral states. Defaults to “S1”.


Cnp.array(int)A 4-dimensional array storing C[v, s, s1, s2], the number of transitions from state s1 to state s2 below node v given v takes on state s.

Internal Logic

  1. Defines a helper function _fill to compute a single entry in C.
  2. Initializes C with zeros.
  3. For each node in the tree, for each state in its optimal set of states, and for each pair of states (s1, s2), calls _fill to compute the corresponding entry in C.
  4. Returns C.