High-level description

The compute_evolutionary_coupling function calculates the evolutionary coupling between different categories of a given meta variable in a CassiopeiaTree. This coupling statistic, a Z-normalized mean distance between categories, reflects the phylogenetic relatedness of these categories within the tree.


This function references the compute_phylogenetic_weight_matrix, compute_inter_cluster_distances, and net_relatedness_index functions from the cassiopeia.data.utilities module.




This function calculates the evolutionary coupling between categories of a specified meta variable in a CassiopeiaTree. It first computes the phylogenetic weight matrix or uses a precomputed one. Then, it filters categories based on a minimum proportion threshold. It calculates inter-cluster distances between categories using a specified distance function (defaulting to Net Relatedness Index). To generate a null distribution, it shuffles the meta variable assignments and recomputes the inter-cluster distances multiple times. Finally, it calculates Z-scores for the observed inter-cluster distances based on the null distribution, representing the evolutionary coupling between categories.


treeCassiopeiaTreeThe CassiopeiaTree object containing the tree and meta data.
meta_variablestrThe name of the column in tree.cell_meta representing the categorical variable.
minimum_proportionfloatMinimum proportion of cells a category must appear in to be considered (default 0.05).
number_of_shufflesintNumber of shuffles for generating the null distribution (default 500).
random_stateOptional[np.random.RandomState]Numpy random state for shuffling (default None).
dissimilarity_mapOptional[pd.DataFrame]Precomputed dissimilarity map between leaves (default None).
cluster_comparison_functionCallableFunction to compare mean distance between groups (default net_relatedness_index).
**comparison_kwargsAdditional arguments for the cluster comparison function.


Z_scorespd.DataFrameA K x K DataFrame containing the evolutionary coupling scores between K categories.

Internal Logic

  1. Compute/Retrieve Dissimilarity: Calculate the phylogenetic weight matrix using compute_phylogenetic_weight_matrix if no dissimilarity_map is provided, otherwise use the provided map.
  2. Filter Categories: If minimum_proportion is greater than 0, filter out categories with frequencies below the specified proportion.
  3. Calculate Inter-cluster Distances: Compute the distances between categories using the compute_inter_cluster_distances function with the specified cluster_comparison_function and additional arguments.
  4. Generate Null Distribution: Shuffle the meta variable assignments number_of_shuffles times and recompute inter-cluster distances for each shuffle, storing the results.
  5. Calculate Z-scores: For each pair of categories, calculate the Z-score of the observed inter-cluster distance based on the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding distances in the null distribution.

Performance Considerations

The computational complexity is O(n^2 log n + (B+1)(K^2 * O(distance_function))), where n is the number of leaves, K is the number of categories, and B is the number of shuffles. Precomputing the dissimilarity map can significantly reduce runtime.