High-level description

The LBIJungle class in cassiopeia/tools/fitness_estimator/_lbi_jungle.py implements the Lineage Branching Index (LBI) fitness estimator as described by Neher et al. (2014) using the jungle package, which is a wrapper around Neher et al.’s original code. This estimator calculates the fitness of each node in a tree based on its branching pattern, with more branching indicating higher fitness.

Code Structure

The LBIJungle class is a subclass of FitnessEstimator and overrides the estimate_fitness method. It uses the _to_newick function to convert the tree to a newick string, which is then used by the jungle package to estimate fitness.


  • cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTree
  • cassiopeia.tools.fitness_estimator._FitnessEstimator
  • jungle package




This class implements the LBI fitness estimator using the jungle package.


random_seedOptional[int]Random seed to use for fitness estimation. Defaults to None.


This class does not directly return any outputs. It modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in place.

Internal Logic

  1. Check for invalid leaf names: Raises a FitnessEstimatorError if any leaf name starts with an underscore, as this is not supported by the jungle package.
  2. Convert tree to newick format: Uses the _to_newick function to convert the tree to a newick string.
  3. Estimate fitness using jungle package:
    • Creates a temporary file to store the newick string.
    • Reads the newick string into a jungle.Tree object.
    • Annotates the tree with standard node features.
    • Infers fitness using the infer_fitness method of the jungle.Tree object.
  4. Set fitness attribute for each node:
    • Iterates through the nodes and their corresponding fitness values.
    • Sets the fitness attribute of each node in the CassiopeiaTree object.

Side Effects

  • Modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in place by setting the fitness attribute for each node.


jungleUsed to estimate fitness using the LBI method.
networkxUsed to represent and manipulate the tree topology.
numpyUsed for random number generation and array manipulation.



This function converts a networkx graph to a newick string.


treenx.DiGraphA networkx tree
record_branch_lengthsboolWhether to record branch lengths on the tree in the newick string. Defaults to False.


newick_stringstrA newick string representing the topology of the tree

Internal Logic

The function uses a recursive approach to traverse the tree and build the newick string. It starts from the root node and recursively visits each child node. For each node, it checks if it is a leaf node. If it is, it appends the node name to the string. Otherwise, it recursively calls the function for each child node and encloses the results in parentheses. Branch lengths are added to the string if record_branch_lengths is set to True.