High-level description

This script performs fitness inference on a given sequence alignment to predict evolutionary relationships and rank sequences based on their inferred fitness. It uses a phylogenetic approach, considering an outgroup sequence to root the tree and inferring ancestral states.

Code Structure

The code first parses command-line arguments, reads and processes the input alignment, and identifies the outgroup sequence. Then, it instantiates a sequence_ranking object from the imported module and uses it to perform the fitness inference. Finally, it outputs the inferred tree, ancestral sequences, and sequence rankings.


This script references the following code symbols:

  • alignment (from sequence_ranking module)
  • sequence_ranking (from sequence_ranking module)
  • tree_utils (imported module)




This function determines the appropriate file opening method based on the file extension. It uses gzip.open for ‘.gz’ files and the built-in open function otherwise.


fnamestrThe name of the file to open.
modestrThe mode in which to open the file (e.g., ‘r’ for reading, ‘w’ for writing).


file objectfileA file object representing the opened file.

main execution block


This block of code executes the main functionality of the script. It reads the alignment file, identifies the outgroup sequence, performs fitness inference, and writes the results to files.

Internal Logic

  1. Read alignment and outgroup:
    • Reads the alignment file in FASTA format.
    • Identifies the outgroup sequence based on the provided --outgroup argument.
  2. Set up sequence data and perform prediction:
    • Creates an alignment object from the input alignment and outgroup.
    • Instantiates a sequence_ranking object with specified parameters.
    • Predicts the best node using the predict() method of the sequence_ranking object.
  3. Output results:
    • Creates a directory for output files based on the current date and time.
    • Writes the reconstructed tree in Newick format to reconstructed_tree.nwk.
    • Writes inferred ancestral sequences to ancestral_sequences.fasta.
    • Writes sequence rankings for terminal and non-terminal nodes to separate files.
    • Optionally plots the marked-up tree if the --plot flag is set.


argparseParsing command-line arguments.
matplotlibPlotting the marked-up tree (optional).
BioHandling sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees.
numpyNumerical operations.
tree_utilsUtility functions for tree manipulation and visualization.
sequence_rankingModule containing classes and functions for sequence ranking and fitness inference.


This script uses command-line arguments for configuration. See the “parse the command line arguments” section for details on available options and their descriptions.

Error Handling

The script includes a basic check for the presence of the outgroup sequence in the alignment. If not found, it prints an error message and exits.


This script does not implement specific logging mechanisms.


This script does not contain any TODOs or notes.