High-level description

The BrownianSpatialDataSimulator class simulates spatial data for a lineage tree using a Brownian motion process. This simulator assigns spatial coordinates to each cell in a CassiopeiaTree, mimicking the movement of cells in a spatial context.

Code Structure

The BrownianSpatialDataSimulator class inherits from the SpatialDataSimulator class. It primarily implements the overlay_data method, which is responsible for assigning spatial coordinates to the nodes of a CassiopeiaTree based on a Brownian motion model.


  • cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTree: The class representing the lineage tree.
  • cassiopeia.simulator.SpatialDataSimulator: The parent class for spatial data simulators.




This class simulates spatial data for a lineage tree using a Brownian motion process. It takes the dimensionality of the space, a diffusion coefficient, and optional scaling and random seed parameters as input.


dimintThe number of spatial dimensions.
diffusion_coefficientfloatThe diffusion coefficient for the Brownian motion process.
scale_unit_areaboolWhether to scale the spatial coordinates to a unit area. Defaults to True.
random_seedOptional[int]A random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None.


This class does not directly return any output. It modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in-place.

Internal Logic

  1. Initialization: The constructor initializes the simulator with the specified parameters and performs validation checks.
  2. overlay_data Method:
    • Traverses the tree from root to leaves.
    • Assigns the root cell to the origin (0, 0, …) in the spatial space.
    • For each edge (parent-child relationship) in the tree:
      • Calculates the branch length (time since last cell division).
      • Samples a random displacement vector from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance proportional to the branch length and diffusion coefficient.
      • Adds the displacement vector to the parent’s coordinates to obtain the child’s coordinates.
    • Optionally scales the spatial coordinates to a unit area.
    • Sets the spatial coordinates as a node attribute and in the cell_meta DataFrame of the CassiopeiaTree.

Side Effects

  • Modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in-place by adding spatial coordinates to the nodes and cell metadata.


  • numpy: Used for numerical operations and random number generation.
  • pandas: Used for handling the cell_meta DataFrame.


scale_unit_areaboolTrueWhether to scale the spatial coordinates to a unit area.

Error Handling

Raises DataSimulatorError if:

  • dim is less than or equal to zero.
  • diffusion_coefficient is negative.