High-level description

The SpatialDataSimulator class in SpatialDataSimulator.py defines an abstract base class for simulating spatial data on a CassiopeiaTree. It provides a blueprint for overlaying spatial coordinates onto the tree, mimicking the spatial organization of cells in a tissue. This abstract class is intended to be subclassed for specific spatial simulation models.

Code Structure

This code defines a single abstract class SpatialDataSimulator which inherits from the DataSimulator class. The SpatialDataSimulator class doesn’t directly interact with other symbols in the code, but it defines an abstract method overlay_data that needs to be implemented by its subclasses.


This code references the following code symbols:

  • cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTree
  • cassiopeia.simulator.DataSimulator.DataSimulator




This abstract class serves as a template for simulating spatial data on a CassiopeiaTree. It defines the structure for overlaying spatial coordinates onto the tree nodes, representing the spatial arrangement of cells. Subclasses of SpatialDataSimulator implement the overlay_data method to apply specific spatial models.


This class doesn’t have an __init__ method and therefore doesn’t take any direct inputs.


This class doesn’t directly return any outputs.

Internal Logic

This class doesn’t have any internal logic as it’s an abstract class.

Side Effects

This class doesn’t have any side effects as it’s an abstract class.


This code depends on the following external libraries:

abcProvides the abstract base class functionality.



This abstract method defines the interface for overlaying spatial data onto a CassiopeiaTree. Subclasses must implement this method to apply specific spatial simulation models.


treeCassiopeiaTreeThe CassiopeiaTree object to overlay spatial data onto.


This method doesn’t return any value, it modifies the CassiopeiaTree object in-place.

Internal Logic

This method is abstract and doesn’t have an implementation in this class. Subclasses are responsible for providing the implementation based on the specific spatial model.