High-level description

The CompleteBinarySimulator class simulates a complete binary tree, where each node has exactly two children except for the leaves. It provides a way to generate a balanced tree topology with specified depth or number of cells, which can be used for in silico simulations of single-cell phylogenies.

Code Structure

The CompleteBinarySimulator class inherits from the TreeSimulator abstract class and implements the simulate_tree method. It uses the networkx library to generate a balanced binary tree and then converts it into a CassiopeiaTree object.


This code references the following symbols:

  • TreeSimulator: The abstract base class for tree simulators.
  • CassiopeiaTree: The data structure representing a tree in Cassiopeia.
  • TreeSimulatorError: An exception class for tree simulator errors.
  • nx.balanced_tree: A function from the networkx library to generate a balanced binary tree.




This class simulates a complete binary tree with a specified depth or number of cells. It uses the networkx library to generate a balanced binary tree and then converts it into a CassiopeiaTree object. The branch lengths are normalized by the height of the tree, resulting in a tree with a height of 1.


num_cellsOptional[int]Number of cells to simulate (must be a power of 2).
depthOptional[int]Depth of the tree.


This class doesn’t directly return any output. It simulates a tree and stores it internally.

Internal Logic

  1. Initialization:
    • Checks if exactly one of num_cells or depth is provided.
    • If num_cells is provided, calculates the depth and validates that num_cells is a power of 2.
    • If depth is provided, validates that it is greater than 0.
  2. Tree Simulation (simulate_tree method):
    • Generates a balanced binary tree using nx.balanced_tree with a branching factor of 2.
    • Creates a mapping from the default integer node names to unique string names.
    • Adds a root node (“root”) and connects it to the root of the generated binary tree.
    • Relabels the nodes using the generated mapping.
    • Creates a CassiopeiaTree object from the generated tree.
    • Initializes branch lengths by dividing the time of each node by the total depth of the tree plus 1.

Side Effects

  • Creates and stores a CassiopeiaTree object internally.


networkxUsed to generate the balanced binary tree.
numpyUsed for logarithmic calculations.
cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTreeUsed to create the CassiopeiaTree object.
cassiopeia.mixinsUsed to raise TreeSimulatorError in case of invalid input.
cassiopeia.simulator.TreeSimulatorThe abstract base class for tree simulators.

Error Handling

  • Raises TreeSimulatorError if:
    • Neither or both num_cells and depth are provided.
    • num_cells is not a power of 2.
    • depth is not greater than 0.