High-level description

The ClonalSpatialDataSimulator class simulates spatial data with a clonal spatial autocorrelation constraint, meaning that cells within the same subclone are more likely to be located near each other. It achieves this by first randomly sampling points in a defined space and then assigning these points to cells in a given CassiopeiaTree in a way that enforces spatial proximity within subclones.

Code Structure

The ClonalSpatialDataSimulator class inherits from the SpatialDataSimulator class. It primarily utilizes the __init__, sample_points, and overlay_data methods to simulate and assign spatial coordinates to cells in a tree. The __triangulation_graph, __nearest_neighbors_graph, __points_to_graph, and __split_graph methods are helper functions used within overlay_data to partition points based on the tree structure.


This class references the CassiopeiaTree class for tree manipulation and data storage. It also uses several external libraries like networkx, numpy, scipy, cv2, poisson_disc, and sklearn.neighbors.




This class simulates spatial data with a clonal spatial autocorrelation constraint. It assigns spatial coordinates to cells in a CassiopeiaTree such that cells within the same subclone are more likely to be spatially clustered.


shapeOptional[Tuple[int, …]]Shape of the space to place cells on. Defaults to None.
spaceOptional[np.ndarray]Numpy array mask representing the space where cells can be placed. Defaults to None.
random_seedOptional[int]A seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None.


This class doesn’t directly return any values. It modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in-place.

Internal Logic

  1. Initialization (__init__): The constructor initializes the simulator with either a shape or a space parameter. If shape is provided, it generates a space (e.g., an ellipse in 2D) within a grid of that shape. If space is provided, it uses the given space directly.
  2. Point Sampling (sample_points): This method samples points within the defined space using Poisson-Disc sampling, ensuring an approximately even distribution of points.
  3. Data Overlay (overlay_data): This method assigns the sampled points to cells in the CassiopeiaTree. It starts by assigning all points to the root node. Then, it traverses the tree from root to leaves, splitting the points assigned to each parent node among its children. The splitting process considers spatial proximity, assigning each point to the spatially closest child node. This process ensures that cells within the same subclone are more likely to be located near each other.

Side Effects

The overlay_data method modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in-place by adding spatial coordinates as node attributes and cell metadata.


networkxGraph manipulation and algorithms.
numpyNumerical operations and array manipulation.
scipyScientific computing, including spatial algorithms.
cv2Image processing (used for generating elliptical spaces).
poisson_discPoisson-Disc sampling for generating evenly spaced points.
sklearn.neighborsNearest neighbor search for spatial point assignment.

Error Handling

The class raises DataSimulatorError for various invalid input scenarios, such as providing both shape and space or if required dependencies are not installed.