High-level description

The SupercellularSampler class is a subclass of LeafSubsampler that simulates the merging of cells in a lineage tree, creating “supercellular” states. This is achieved by iteratively merging pairs of leaves, chosen with probability inversely proportional to their branch distance, resulting in a tree with ambiguous character states.

Code Structure

The SupercellularSampler class has a single public method, subsample_leaves, which takes a CassiopeiaTree as input and returns a new CassiopeiaTree with merged leaves. The merging process is controlled by either the ratio or number_of_merges parameter passed to the constructor.


This class references the following code symbols:

  • CassiopeiaTree
  • LeafSubsampler
  • LeafSubsamplerError




This class implements a leaf subsampling strategy where leaves are merged iteratively to create a tree with ambiguous character states, simulating the merging of cells.


ratioOptional[float]The number of times to merge as a ratio of the total number of leaves.
number_of_mergesOptional[float]Explicit number of merges to perform.


This class does not directly return any output. It modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object.

Internal Logic

The subsample_leaves method performs the following steps:

  1. Determine the number of merges: Based on the provided ratio or number_of_merges, the number of merge operations is calculated.
  2. Iterative merging: For each merge operation:
    • Randomly select a leaf node (leaf1).
    • Calculate the branch distances from leaf1 to all other leaves.
    • Randomly select a second leaf node (leaf2) with probability inversely proportional to its distance from leaf1.
    • Merge leaf1 and leaf2 into a new leaf node with a combined name and ambiguous character states.
    • Connect the new leaf node to the LCA of the original leaves.
    • Set the time of the new leaf node to the mean time of the original leaves.
  3. Tree cleanup:
    • Collapse unifurcations in the tree.
    • Optionally collapse duplicated character states in ambiguous nodes.
  4. Return the modified tree: The modified CassiopeiaTree object is returned.

Side Effects

The subsample_leaves method modifies the input CassiopeiaTree object in-place.

Error Handling

The class raises LeafSubsamplerError if:

  • Both ratio and number_of_merges are not specified or both are specified.
  • The number of merges exceeds the number of leaves in the tree.
  • No merges are to be performed.
  • The tree does not have a character matrix defined.


This class depends on the following external libraries:

numpyUsed for random sampling and array operations.
pandasUsed for handling the character matrix.
networkxUsed for tree manipulation.
copyUsed for deep copying the tree.
import copy
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

from cassiopeia.data.CassiopeiaTree import CassiopeiaTree, CassiopeiaTreeError
from cassiopeia.simulator.LeafSubsampler import (